Getting Started Guide

Video and Voice Conferencing (Group Calls)

In this section, we will quickly learn how to add Video and Voice Conferencing (group calling) to your apps, in just one line of code.

For detailed documentation and examples for conferencing refer to Mesibo Conferencing Docs and download the example source code for conferencing from GitHubopen_in_new

To add mesibo Group Calling to your app, you only need to initialize MesiboCall once using just one line of code. This you would have already done in the previous section.

Now to make a group call:

  1. Have a group of members with required permissions as described in create group tutorial.
  2. call groupCallUi functions with the group profile.
MesiboCall.groupCallUi(context, profile, video, audio, videoMute, audioMute);


  • context is parent context or view controller
  • profile is group profile
  • video true to enable video
  • audio true to enable audio, always enabled if video is true
  • videoMute true to mute video on start
  • audioMute true to mute audio on start

Refer to the code below:

One time initialization


To make a group video call

MesiboCall.getInstance().groupCallUi(this, profile, true, true, false, false);

One time initialization


To make a group video call

MesiboCall.getInstance().groupCallUi(this, profile, true, true, false, false)

One time initialization

MesiboCall.start(with: nil, name: "mesibo first app", icon: nil, callKit: true)

To make a group video call

MesiboCall.getInstance().groupCallUi(self, profile: groupProfile, video: true, audio: true, 
                                videoMute: true, audioMute: true, publish: true);

One time initialization

[MesiboCall startWith:nil name:@"mesibo first App" icon:nil callKit:YES];

To make a group video call

 [MesiboCallInstance groupCallUi:self profile:groupProfile video:YES audio:YES 
                                videoMute:YES audioMute:YES publish:YES];

One time initialization

MesiboUI _mesiboUi = MesiboUI();

To make a group video call

_mesiboUi.groupCall(profile, true, true, false, false);

JavaScript does not have groupCallUi function. However, you can download entire web conferencing code from GitHubopen_in_new and customize it to your needs.

You can also try a live demo of a Zoom-like conferencing app, Mesibo Liveopen_in_new built using mesibo conferencing and streaming API. The source code of the app is available on Github. You can download it, modify or rebrand it, and integrate it into your app or website.