Loadable Modules - add your own custom features to Mesibo

Imagine, if you could have the ability to process every message between your users, or could add custom features and functionalities. For example, create chatbots, filter profanity, translate messages between sender and recipient, analyze messages with machine learning and AI tools, and more. This can open up a plethora of creative possibilities for your apps. Now with mesibo modules, all of this is possible!.

Mesibo is designed “by Developers for Developers!”. As developers, we understand that a platform is very limited unless it allows its users to build more features and functionalities on it. This is how Mesibo loadable modules come in.

Mesibo loadable modules let you expand mesibo by adding your own features and functionalities. You can build powerful chatbots, filters, remotely communicate with hardware for IoT and robotics, integrate with Machine learning and Scientific computing backend such as Tensorflow, Dialogflow, Matlab, etc. and much more, keeping your data secure and private in your own premises or private cloud.

This makes mesibo the most compelling real-time communication platform existing today. In this document, we will describe how you can build and use mesibo modules to unlock new possibilities and innovative solutions.

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  1. Prerequisites

  2. Overview of a mesibo module
    a. What is a mesibo module
    b. How do mesibo modules work
    c. Building a profanity filter

  3. Anatomy of a Mesibo Module
    a. Module Configuration Struct
    b. Module initialization
    c. Callback Functions
    d. Callable Functions
    e. Data Structures
    f. Memory Management

  4. Setting Up the Development Environment

  5. Loading a Mesibo Module

  6. Code references and Examples

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Ready-to-use modules Source Code

Github The complete module source code is available in the container environment along with the necesary tools for building and debugging the source. You can readily load them into your application with the required configuration. If you wish to modify the source code , you can do that too. You can adapt the source code to suit your requirements and then compile them in the given build environment inthe docker container which has all the required tools like gcc, gdb, vim etcbundled into the mesibo docker container.

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What is a Mesibo Module?

Mesibo module is essentially a message processor that allows you to intercept each message and decide whether to pass the message to the destination as it is, drop it or process it before sending it to the destination.

For example,

  • a profanity filter module can drop messages containing profanity
  • a translator module can translate each message before sending it to the destination
  • a chatbot module can analyze messages using various AI and machine learning tools like Tensorflow, Dialogflow, etc. and send an automatic reply

The functionality of each module is programmed by you, and its capability is limited only by your imagination. Mesibo modules make Mesibo a powerful communication platform.

You can build a mesibo module on top of the core platform, as a shared library (a .so file) and load it to extend the functionality of the mesibo platform.

Module Architecture

How do Mesibo Modules work?

A Mesibo module is a shared library (.so file) that can be loaded at runtime by the Mesibo on-premise server. Mesibo then invokes various callback functions that you have defined in the shared library whenever it receives messages from your users. Your module can then decide what to do with those messages, for example:

  • Pass the message as it is
  • Drop it
  • Process it further before sending it to the destination
  • Reply to the sender
Module Flowchart

You can load multiple modules, each having their own features and functionalities. It is also possible to load the same module multiple times with different configurations. You can specify all the modules and the loading order in the Mesibo configuration file, /etc/mesibo/mesibo.conf. Mesibo will pass the data to each module in the order in which modules were loaded.

Module Chain

Creating a mesibo module is extremely easy. For example, you can implement a simple profanity filter module as follows.

Building a profanity filter

  • Implement a callback function to process all the incoming messages and pass it to mesibo - we will call it on_message function
  • When any user sends a message, Mesibo will invoke on_message callback function of your module with the message data, and its associated message parameters such as sender, expiry, flags, etc.
  • Your module can analyze the message to find any profanity or objectionable content and return whether the message is safe or not.
  • If no profanity is found, you can PASS the message and safely send it to the recipient; else you can CONSUME the unsafe message and prevent the message from reaching the receiver.

Now that you understand the basic functionality of a Mesibo module, let's dive deeper into the technical details of what forms a mesibo module.

Anatomy of a Mesibo Module

A Mesibo module has three components:

  1. An initialization function which will be called once by Mesibo after loading the module
  2. A set of callback functions that will be defined by the module. These functions are called by Mesibo as and when required
  3. A module definition structure which declares above-mentioned functions and other configuration information
Anatomy of Module

Module Definition

A mesibo module is described by mesibo_module_t structure as defined below. This is one of the most important data structures used in the Mesibo module.

typedef struct mesibo_module_s {
    mesibo_uint_t    version;     /* mesibo module API version */
    mesibo_uint_t    flags;        /* module flags */

    const char         *name;        /* module name */    
    const char         *description;    /* module description */    
    void        *ctx;        /* module context */
    module_config_t *config;    /* module configuration */

    mesibo_int_t    (*on_cleanup)(mesibo_module_t *mod);

    mesibo_int_t    (*on_message)(mesibo_module_t *mod, mesibo_message_params_t *params, char *message, mesibo_uint_t len);
    mesibo_int_t    (*on_message_status)(mesibo_module_t *mod, mesibo_message_params_t *params, mesibo_uint_t  status);
    mesibo_int_t    (*on_call)(mesibo_module_t *mod);
    mesibo_int_t    (*on_call_status)(mesibo_module_t *mod);

    mesibo_int_t    (*on_login)(mesibo_module_t *mod, mesibo_user_t *user);

    mesibo_uint_t    signature;    /* module signature */
    //this function will be initialized by Mesibo
    mesibo_int_t    (*invoke)(mesibo_int_t id, mesibo_module_t *mod, ...);
} mesibo_module_t;

In the next section, we will learn how to initialize the module definition structure. Before that, we will cover how to setup developmentit environment and compiling modules so that you can try it out while reading the documentation.

Setting up the Development Environment

The mesibo docker image comes pre-loaded with a complete development environment (compilers, debuggers, etc.) and the source code of various useful modules like a chatbot, translation, filter, etc. This enables you to instantly start developing on the mesibo platform without devoting any time in setup or worrying about any dependencies. You only need to set up a working directory where you can copy the source code from the container, and the compiled modules will reside.

Setting up your working directory

Although the source can be readily compiled from the mesibo docker image itself, it is recommended that you first copy the source code on your host machine and then map it on the docker container. This will ensure that any changes you make are permanent.

Let's say, your working directory on your host machine is /home/mesibo/working-dir. Create a directory bin inside your working directory where compiled modules will reside:

cd /home/mesibo/working-dir
mkdir bin

You also need to mount the directory /etc/mesibo which contains your mesibo configuration file mesibo.conf where you need to specify the name of the module and configuration. If you do not have access to /etc folder on your host machine, you can change the path when running the docker container.

Now you can run mesibo docker container with three additional arguments. Refer on-premise documentation to learn more about running mesibo on-premise platform:

$ sudo docker run  -v /certs:/certs -v /home/mesibo/working-dir:/mesibo/working \
	 -v /home/mesibo/working-dir/bin:/usr/lib64/mesibo/ \
         -v /etc/mesibo:/etc/mesibo \
	 --net host -d mesibo/mesibo <app token> 

Entering the Development(shell) environment

Entering the development environment is as simple as executing shell on the running mesibo container — all you need to ensure that the container is running and then find the CONTAINER_ID.

You can find the CONTAINER_ID using docker ps command, as shown below:

$ sudo docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                 COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
7508d3d78992        mesibo/mesibo  "/mesibo/bin/mesibo …"   8 seconds ago       Up 7 seconds                            blissful_ramanujan

Once you find the CONTAINER_ID, run the exec command to enter the bash shell inteface

$ sudo docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> /bin/bash

Now, you are in the shell environment and you should see something like below in your terminal

[root@mesibo /]# 

You can now execute commands and write/modify programs in the source. For example,

[root@mesibo /]# ls
bin    dev  home  lib64       media   mnt  proc  run   srv  tmp		 usr
cores  etc  lib   lost+found  mesibo  opt  root  sbin  sys  var

You can find that your mounted directories appear in the conatiner directory structure. For example, if you mounted /home/mesibo/working-dir you can enter that directory and copy the required source files

[root@mesibo /]# cd /mesibo/working
[root@mesibo working]#

You can find the loadable modules source code at /mesibo/src/ which you can copy into your working directory.

[root@mesibo working]# cp -a /mesibo/src .
[root@mesibo working]# cd src
[root@mesibo src]# ls
README.md  chatbot  filter  include  make.inc  skeleton  translate  

You are all set to compile and run your modules!

Compiling the modules

To compile a module, you only need to run make command from any of the module directories. If you like to create a new module, make a copy of skeleton module and change the module name, callback functions, etc. as appropriate. You also need to edit Makefile and modify the MODULE field to reflect module name in the output file correctly. For a detailed example, refer to the Building a chat-bot section below.

[root@mesibo working]# cd skeleton
[root@mesibo skeleton]# make

Mesibo Configuration file

To load a module, you need to specify the module name in the configuration file mesibo.conf. For example,

 module <module name>

Each module can have its own configuration. You can specify the module configuration consisting of name and the corresponding value, as shown below.

module <module name> {
  <config name> = <config value>
  <config name> = <config value>

For example, for a module named skeleton, you can provide the configuration details as follows.

module skeleton {
  file_name = xyz
  auth_key = abc

To load multiple modules and their respective configuration :

module <module_1 name> {
  /**Configuration for module-1 **/

module <module_2 name> {
  /**Configuration for module-2 **/
module <module_N name> {
  /**Configuration for module-N **/

The configuration items that you specify in the module configuration file will be available during module initialization as key-value pairs.

Refer to the code example in the next section to see how configuration details are passed during the initialization.

Module initialization

Mesibo initializes each module by calling a module initialization function. The naming convention for this function is mesibo_module_<module name>_init. For example, if your module name is chatbot, the name of your initialization function MUST be mesibo_module_chatbot_init.

Your module MUST define this function. If not, mesibo will not be able to load the module, and the error message will be shown during the mesibo initialization. The prototype for which can be found in the file module.hopen_in_new.

int mesibo_module_<module name>_init(mesibo_int_t version, mesibo_module_t *mod, mesibo_int_t len);

The initialization function takes the following parameters:

  1. version of type mesibo_int_t, Version of mesibo module. You must check that the version matches MESIBO_MODULE_VERSION to ensure that the on-premise mesibo server is using the same module version as the module.
  2. mod of type mesibo_module_t*, pointer to mesibo module configuration structure. Mesibo allocates this structure and passes it to module. The module must initialize this structure with the callback function pointer and the module description.
  3. len of type mesibo_uint_t, size of module definition structure. You must check that the len matches sizeof(mesibo_module_t) to ensure that the on-premise mesibo server is using the same module definition structure as the module.

Mesibo provides a macro MESIBO_MODULE_SANITY_CHECK which does all the above checks and more. You should use it as the first line in your initialization code.

The configuration items that you specified in the Module Configuration file is available as a list of items in the structure module_config_t where each item is a name-value pair of the type module_config_item_t

For example, for a module named skeleton, you may define configuration as below

module skeleton {
  file_name = xyz
  auth_key = abc

the initialization function looks like as follows:

int mesibo_module_skeleton_init(mesibo_int_t version, mesibo_module_t *m, mesibo_uint_t len) {
    	MESIBO_MODULE_SANITY_CHECK(m, version. len);

        if(m->config) {
                mesibo_log(m, 1, "Following configuration item(s) were passed to the module\n");
                for(int i=0; i < m->config->count; i++) {
                        mesibo_log(m, 0, "module config item: name: %s value: %s\n", 

        m->flags = 0;
        m->description = strdup("Sample Module");

	// initialize callback functions 
    	m->on_cleanup = skeleton_on_cleanup;
        m->on_message = skeleton_on_message;
        m->on_message_status = skeleton_on_message_status;
        m->on_login = skeleton_on_login;
        mesibo_log(m, 1, "================> %s init called\n", m->name);

        return MESIBO_RESULT_OK;


Above code will print the configuration details for the example module skeleton in logs:

Following configuration item(s) were passed to the module
module config item: name: file_name value: abc
module config item: name: auth_key value: xyz

Module Callback Functions

There is a set of callback functions that need to be defined by the module. These callback functions are called by Mesibo based on different events. For example,

  • When users send a message
  • When there is a status update for the messages sent by the module
  • When users make a call
  • When users logs-in or logs-out
  • When the module is unloaded, to reclaim memory/ perform the cleanup

The module needs to initialize the module definition structure with callback function pointers during the initialization, as shown in the above example. In above initialization example, skeleton_cleanup, skeleton_on_message, skeleton_on_message_status, skeleton_on_login are callback functions.

It is not mandatory to define all the callbacks. A module can define only those callbacks that the module is interested in. The function prototypes for all the callback functions are found in the file module.hopen_in_new.

You MUST not block any callback functions. If your processing requires time, you MUST process them in a separate thread.

Let's look in detail at the different callback functions and their prototypes:


This function is called whenever a user sends a message. The module can process messages or can ignore as appropriate. The module can then indicate Mesibo whether to pass the message to the next module/recipient OR drop it by returning an appropriate value.

mesibo_int_t    (*on_message)(mesibo_module_t *mod, 
		mesibo_message_params_t *params, 
		char *message, mesibo_uint_t len);


  1. mod, pointer to mesibo module structure
  2. params, pointer to message parameters structure. It contains message parameters such as id, from- sender of the message, to- message recipient, etc. For more details, refer Module Data Structures.
  3. message, buffer containing the message data bytes
  4. len, length of the message in bytes


  • MESIBO_RESULT_PASS to pass the message data and parameters as it is to the next module or the recipient
  • MESIBO_RESULT_CONSUMED message is consumed by the module and will not be passed to the next module or the recipient

Your processing MUST not block this function since it will block other messages. If your processing requires time or you are invoking REST APIs, you should copy data and process it in a separate thread.


This function is called whenever there is a status update for the messages sent from the module

mesibo_int_t (*on_message_status)(mesibo_module_t *mod,
                                    mesibo_message_params_t *params,
                                    mesibo_uint_t status);


  1. mod, pointer to mesibo module structure
  2. params, pointer to message parameters structure. It contains message parameters such as id, from- sender of the message, to- message recipient, etc. For more details, refer Module Data Structures.
  3. status containing the status of the sent message which corresponds to different status codes such as MSGSTATUS_SENT, MSGSTATUS_DELIVERED, MSGSTATUS_READ, etc




mesibo_int_t (*on_call)(mesibo_module_t *mod)


mesibo_int_t (*on_call_status)(mesibo_module_t *mod)


This function is called whenever a user logs-in or logs-out.

mesibo_int_t (*on_login)(mesibo_module_t *mod, mesibo_user_t *user);


  1. mod, pointer to mesibo module structure
  2. user, pointer to mesibo user structure. Refer Module Data Structures. Contains user parmeters flag, user address and online status.




This function is called when the module process is complete and to clean up.

mesibo_int_t (*on_cleanup)(mesibo_module_t *mod)

Module Helper Functions

Mesibo provides various helper functions for tasks like send a message, send an HTTP request, print logs, etc.


This function can be used to send messages from the module to users and groups.

  mesibo_int_t mesibo_message(mesibo_module_t *mod, mesibo_message_params_t *params,
                      const char *message, mesibo_uint_t len);


  1. mod, pointer to mesibo module structure
  2. params, pointer to message parameters structure. It contains message parameters such as id, from- sender of the message, to- message recipient, etc. For more details, refer Module Data Structures.
  3. message, buffer containing the message data bytes
  4. len, length of the message in bytes

Returns: Integer : 0 on success , -1 on failure

For example,

mesibo_message_params_t p;
memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p));

p.to = 'user_source';
p.from = 'user_destination';
p.id = rand();

const char* message = "Hello from Module";

mesibo_uint_t len = strlen(message);
mesibo_message(mod, &p, message, len);

Utility Functions

There a set of utility function provided by mesibo which you can use for asynchronous operations like executing on a thread, making HTTP requests, Socket I/O, etc.



This function can be used to make an HTTP request. It is especially useful to invoke services like DialogFlow, etc.

mesibo_int_t      mesibo_util_http(mesibo_http_t *req, void *cbdata);


  1. req, pointer to mesibo http request structure.The request structure that contains additional parameters that you can pass in your HTTP request such as url, post data, extra_header, content_type, etc. For more details about the module_http_t structure, refer Module Data Structures.
  2. cbdata is a pointer to data of arbitrary user-defined type. This callback data is passed on to the callback function that you have passed in the previous argument. You can store data of any arbitrary type such as a C/C++ struct and pass it as callback data to your call back function. For more details, refer to the sample code

Returns: Integer : 0 on success , -1 on failure

For example,

mesibo_http_t req;
memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
req.url = "https://example.com/api.php"; //API endpoint
req.post = "op=userdel&token=123434343xxxxxxxxx&uid=456"; // POST Request Data
req.on_data = mesibo_http_on_data_callback;
mesibo_util_http(&req, NULL);


Mesibo Module provides you with a set of functions for performing socket I/O, such as writing to a socket, receiving data from a socket, etc.


Open a connection to a socket on a host through a specified port.

mesibo_int_t      mesibo_util_socket_connect(mesibo_socket_t *sock, void *cbdata);


  1. sock, Pointer to mesibo socket structure
  2. cbdata, Callback data

Returns: Integer : 0 on success , -1 on failure


Write data to a connected socket

mesibo_int_t      mesibo_util_socket_write(mesibo_int_t sock, const char *data, mesibo_int_t len);


  1. sock, Pointer to mesibo socket structure
  2. data, Raw data bytes
  3. len, NUmber of bytes

Returns: Integer : 0 on success , -1 on failure


Close the socket connection

void      mesibo_util_socket_close(mesibo_int_t sock);


Make use of the following functions to log output to container logs


This function can be used to print to mesibo container logs.

mesibo_int_t mesibo_log(mesibo_module_t *mod, mesibo_uint_t level, const char *format,


  1. mod, Pointer to mesibo module structure
  2. level, log level. The logs with level 0 will always be printed. If level > 0, logs will be printed only if the level is enabled in the configuration file
  3. format, string for printing data which is similar to that of printf followed by the data to print.

Returns: Integer : 0 on success , -1 on failure

For example,

mesibo_log(mod, 0, "%s\n", "Hello, from Mesibo Module!");


Similar to mesibo_log but you can provide a varaible list of arguents of type va_list

 mesibo_int_t      mesibo_vlog(mesibo_module_t *mod, mesibo_uint_t level, const char *format, va_list args);


This function can be used to get the value of a configuration item from the name-value configuration list passed in /etc/mesibo/mesibo.conf

char* mesibo_util_getconfig(mesibo_module_t* mod, const char* item_name);


  1. mod, Pointer to mesibo module structure
  2. item_name, Name of the configuration item

Returns: String: Configuration item value

For example, If the configuration is provided as

module skeleton {
file = abc
auth_token = xyz


char* item_val =  mesibo_util_getconfig(mod, "file");

item_val will contain the string abc.


This function can be used to get the value of a key in a JSON string.

char* mesibo_util_json_extract(char *src, const char *key, char **next);


  1. src, JSON string source
  2. key, Key string
  3. next, Pointer to the next byte after the searched item

Returns: String: Value Matching the Key in the JSON string.

For example,

char* test_json = strdup("{ \"name\":\"apple\", \"game\" : \"ball\" }");
char* value = mesibo_util_json_extract(test_json, "name" , NULL);

value will contain the string apple

Module Data Structures

Message Parameters Structure

The C/C++ structure mesibo_message_params_t is used to define the various parameters of an incoming or an outgoing message. Message params is used as argument to functions such as on_message, on_message_status, send_message, etc.

typedef struct mesibo_message_params_s {
    mesibo_uint_t aid;
    mesibo_uint_t id;  
    mesibo_uint_t refid;
    mesibo_uint_t groupid;
    mesibo_uint_t flags;
    mesibo_uint_t type;
    mesibo_uint_t expiry;
    mesibo_uint_t to_online;

    char *to, *from;
} mesibo_message_params_t;
  • aid - Application ID.
  • id - ID of the incoming message. For outgoing messages, id should be specified in send_message function.
  • refid - Reference id (id of another message) to which the current message can be linked against.
  • groupid - Group ID should be specified when sending a message to a group, 0 for one-to-one messages.
  • flags- Message Flags
  • type - Message Type, any arbitrary user-defined types
  • expiry - Message Expiry for an outgoing message (time to live), in seconds
  • to_online - Send the message only if the recipient is online

Mesibo User

typedef struct  mesibo_user_s {
    mesibo_uint_t flags;
    char *address;
    mesibo_int_t online;

  • flags - User flags
  • address- User Address. Can be any sequence of characters that identifies a user
  • online - Online Status of user

HTTP Request Structure

To send an HTTP request using the function mesibo_util_http() you use the C/C++ structure module_http_t

typedef struct _mesibo_http_t {
        //const char *proxy;
        const char *url;
        const char *post;

        const char *content_type; //body content type

        const char *extra_header;
        const char *user_agent;
        const char *referrer;
        const char *origin;
        const char *cookie;
        const char *encoding; // could be gzip, deflate, identity, br (do not use 'compress' which is obsolete)
        const char *cache_control; //cache control and expiry
        const char *accept;
        const char *etag;
        mesibo_uint_t ims; //if modified since, gmt time

        //mesibo_uint_t maxredirects;

        mesibo_uint_t conn_timeout, header_timeout, body_timeout, total_timeout;

        mesibo_http_ondata_t on_data;
        mesibo_http_onstatus_t on_status;
        mesibo_http_onclose_t on_close;

} mesibo_http_t;

HTTP Properties

  • url, both http and https URL are supported. You can also pass authentication information in URL. For example, https://username:password@yourapiurl.comopen_in_new
  • post, is a string that contains raw POST data. For example, "authtoken=xyz&user=abc"
  • content_type Content-Type header. For example "application/json".
  • extra_header Any custom headers you like to send, such as contain Authorisation header, etc
  • user_agent User Agent, default mesibo/x.x
  • referrer HTTP referer header
  • origin HTTP origin header
  • cookie Send HTTP Cookie Header
  • encoding HTTP content encoding header
  • cache_control HTTP content encoding header
  • accept
  • etag
  • ims Set If-Modified-SInce header, timestamp
  • maxredirects Maximum number of redirections to the host(Disabled by default)
  • conn_timeout, header_timeout, body_timeout, total_timeout are Settable Timeouts for every state of the protocol (connection, headers, body)
  • retries Retry broken downloads and uploads

HTTP Callbacks

  • on_data You will get the response of your http request, asynchronously through this callback function. Refer the example HTTP Callback Function provided.

Receiving HTTP data

The callback function reference, on_data that you set in the HTTP request structure should be defined as per the function prototype mesibo_http_on_data_t in module.h.

typedef mesibo_int_t (*mesibo_http_ondata_t)(void *cbdata, mesibo_int_t state, 
		mesibo_int_t progress, const char *buffer, 
		mesibo_int_t size);

The callback function takes the following parameters:

  1. cbdata, Pointer to arbitrary data, which the response callback function may need. You pass this while calling the request function http
  2. state, An integer indicating the state of the response data being passed
typedef enum {
} module_http_state_t;
  1. progress, progress from 0 to 100. Progress is negative (< 0) for error
  2. buffer, response data
  3. size, size of data in the buffer, in bytes

For example,

static int mesibo_http_callback(void *cbdata, mesibo_int_t state,
        mesibo_int_t progress, const char *buffer,
        mesibo_int_t size) {

    tMessageContext *b = (tMessageContext *)cbdata;
    mesibo_module_t *mod = b->mod;

    if (progress < 0) {
        mesibo_log(mod, 0, " Error in http callback \n");
        // cleanup
        return -1;

    if (state != MODULE_HTTP_STATE_RESPBODY) {
        return 0;

    memcpy(b->buffer + b->datalen, buffer, size);
    b->datalen += size;

    if (progress == 100) {
        // process it ...

    return 0;
  • on_status You will get the response status code and response type through this callback. For example, on sucessful response the status is 200 and response-type can be text/html,etc.
typedef mesibo_int_t (*mesibo_http_onstatus_t)(void *cbdata, mesibo_int_t status, 
		const char *response_type);
  • on_close Called when the HTTP connection is closed. If it was closed with an error the result parameter will be set to the value MESIBO_RESULT_FAIL
typedef void (*mesibo_http_onclose_t)(void *cbdata,  mesibo_int_t result);

Socket structure

Use the C/C++ structure defined as follows to perform Socket related operations.

typedef struct mesibo_socket_s {
        const char *url;
        const char *ws_protocol; /* only for websock - valid only if host is NULL */

        mesibo_int_t keepalive;
        mesibo_int_t verify_host;
        void *ssl_ctx; //use if provided else generate if enable_ssl=1

        mesibo_socket_onconnect_t on_connect;
        mesibo_socket_onwrite_t on_write;
        mesibo_socket_ondata_t on_data;
        mesibo_socket_onclose_t on_close;
} mesibo_socket_t;

Socket Peoperties

  • url Both HTTP and HTTPS url hosts are supported.
  • ws_protocol Enabled if and only if url is NULL, for connecting to a websocket. The ws_protocol string should be of the format ws://example.com or wss://example.com
  • keepalive Keep Persistent (Keep-Alive) connection
  • verify_host Verify the validity of host. Disable if on a private network.
  • ssl_ctx Generated context in case of an SSL Connection- for HTTPS and WSS protocol

Socket Callbacks

  • on_connect Called when socket connection is made. On successful connection the callback parameter asock holds a valid socket address.
typedef void (*mesibo_socket_onconnect_t)(void *cbdata, mesibo_int_t asock, mesibo_int_t fd);
  • on_write Called when socket write operation is performed
typedef void (*mesibo_socket_onwrite_t)(void *cbdata);
  • on_data Called when data is received. Parameters:
  1. cbdata Data object passed while connecting to socket.
  2. data Raw bytes
  3. len Number of bytes
typedef mesibo_int_t (*mesibo_socket_ondata_t)(void *cbdata, const char *data, mesibo_int_t len);
  • on_close Called when Socket connection is closed
typedef void (*mesibo_socket_onclose_t)(void *cbdata, mesibo_int_t type);

Module Configuration Structure

The configuration attributes for a module can be provided as a configuration list which shall be made available in the mesibo module initialization function, through the following structures

typedef struct module_config_item_s {
	char *name;
	char *value;
} module_config_item_t;
typedef struct module_configs_s {
	int count;
	module_config_item_t items[0];
} module_config_t;

module_config_t contains count- the number of items in the configuration list & a list of items of type module_config_item_t - a structure containing a name-value pair.

Memory Management

Since Mesibo is capable of handling millions of messages and users, your module callback functions can be invoked millions of times. Hence, you should avoid allocating memory dynamically. Instead, you should try to allocate required memory and complex operations during initialization.

Module Definition Structures

Module definition structure is allocated by Mesibo, and you MUST not free it.

Config Items Structures

Configuration items structure is allocated by Mesibo and can be freed if required. However, configuration key-value pairs are statically allocated. You can freely use those pointers but should never free them.

Code references and Examples

Building a chat-bot

Now since we have learned about how the module works, we will build a simple but capable chatbot, which can integrate powerful analytical abilities in speech, image recognition, Natural Language processing, etc. in your backend using loadable modules. You can interface with any tool or library of your choice, such as Dialogflow, IBM Watson, Tensorflow, etc.

Module Chatbot Sample
Let's look at how you can build a chatbot using mesibo modules:

- Create a dedicated user (destination) for the chatbot, so that when a user sends a message to this destination, chatbot functionality can be invoked.
- When a user sends a message, your module will get the message text via the callback function `on_message` along with message parameters. 
- Check `'to'` field (destination) in message parameters to check if it was sent to the chatbot. If it's not the chatbot destination, return PASS as explained in `on_message` callback function description so that the message can be sent to the requested destination.
- Send the message to your message processing model which could be a local function or a remote service like Dialogflow, IBM Watson, Tensorflow, etc. Your messaging processing model will process the message and send the appropriate response.
- You can send the response back to the user (sender) using `mesibo_message` function.

Refer to the [Sample Chatbot Module](https://github.com/mesibo/onpremise-loadable-modules/tree/master/chatbot) source code which demonstrates building your module with a Dialogflow chatbot. 

For this chatbot example, We will be using DiaglogFlow to process messages. Hence, before we dive into the code, let us quickly understand how Dialogflow works. You can skip this section if you are already familiar with Dialogflow. 

Basics of Dialogflow

Dialogflow is an AI powered Google service to build interactive conversational interfaces, such as chatbots. Once you train DialogFlow using data of your interest like emails, FAQs, etc., it can answer questions from your users in natural language.

Dialogflow service is available through a REST interface. For more details on using Dialogflow , refer [DialogFlow Documentation](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/docs/quick/api)

Configuring Dialogflow API (V2)

To use Dialogflow API, you will need two parameters which you can obtain from the Google Cloud Console.

- GCP project ID
- Access Token

Following are the the steps:

1. Set up a [GCP Console](https://console.cloud.google.com) project.
- Create or select a project and note the project ID
- Create a service account
- Download a private service account key as JSON

2. Set the environment variable `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` pointing to the JSON file downloaded in the Step 1.

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/home/user/Downloads/service-account-file.json"

3. [Install and initialize the Cloud SDK](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/)
4. Print your access token by using the following command


echo $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token) ```

which should output something like

This is the access token, save it for later use.

Invoking Dialogflow API

Once we have project ID and the access token, invoking DialogFlow API is as simple as invoking following URL with access token and the data:

https://dialogflow.googleapis.com/v21/projects/<Project ID>/agent/sessions/<Session ID>

where `Project ID` is the GCP Project ID obtained earlier. `Session ID` can be a random number or some type of user and session identifiers (preferably hashed). 

For example, a sample dialogflow REST URL looks like


Now, you can send a POST request to the above URL in the following format.

Pass the authentication information in the request header.

Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json

and your text/message in the POST data in a JSON string as shown below:


{ "queryInput": { { "text": { "text": } "languageCode" : }
} }

That's it! 

Now since we know how to use mesibo-modules and the DialogFlow REST API, following is a step-by-step tutorial for building a chat-bot using mesibo module with Dialogflow:

### 1. Create The C/C++ Source file

Since we will be building a chatbot , let our module name be `chatbot`. Create a C/C++ Source file named `chatbot.c` and 
include the header file `module.h` in your code.

#include "module.h"

2.Configuration for the chatbot module

The chatbot module uses DialogFlow. It would be nice if we can define some configuration entities to configure chatbot parameters and DialogFlow parameters.

We will define the following configurable items for The chatbot module:

module chatbot{
	project = <Project ID>
		endpoint = <Dialogflow REST Endpoint>
		access_token = <Service Account key>
		language = <Source Language>
		address = <Chatbot User Address>
		log = <log level>

For example,

module chatbot{
    project = mesibo-chatbot
	    endpoint = https://dialogflow.googleapis.com/v2
	    access_token = xxxxxx.Kl6iBzVH7dvV2XywzpnehLJwczdClfMoAHHOeTVNFkmTjqVX7VagKHH1-xxxxxxx
	    language = en
	    address = my_chatbot
	    log = 1

### 3. Initialize the module
Now, we need to provide the initialization function for our module. Since we chose the name for the module as `chatbot`, the name of the initialization function will be `mesibo_module_chatbot_init`, as defined below.

int mesibo_module_chatbot_init(mesibo_module_t *m, mesibo_uint_t len) {


	m->flags = 0;
	m->description = strdup("Sample Chatbot Module");
	m->on_message = chatbot_on_message;

	//Read configuration
	if(m->config) {
		chatbot_config_t* cbc = get_config_dialogflow(m);
		if(cbc  == NULL){
			mesibo_log(m, MODULE_LOG_LEVEL_0VERRIDE, "%s : Missing Configuration\n", m->name);
		m->ctx = (void* )cbc;

		int init_status = chatbot_init_dialogflow(m);
		if(init_status != MESIBO_RESULT_OK){
			mesibo_log(m, MODULE_LOG_LEVEL_0VERRIDE, "%s : Bad Configuration\n", m->name);
	else {


Here, We are first checking the sanity using MESIBO_MODULE_SANITY_CHECK and then retrieving the configuration and storing it in the module context m->ctx so that it is available whenever module callbacks are invoked.

We will use the following configuration structure chatbot_config_t to store the configuration:

typedef struct chatbot_config_s {
	/* To be configured in module configuration file */
	const char* project;
	const char* endpoint;
	const char* access_token;
	const char* address;
	const char* language;
	int log;

	/* To be configured by dialogflow init function */
	char* post_url;
	char* auth_bearer;
	module_http_option_t* chatbot_http_opt;

} chatbot_config_t;

A helper function, mesibo_util_getconfig can be used to get the configuation information, as shown below:

static chatbot_config_t*  get_config_dialogflow(mesibo_module_t* mod){
	chatbot_config_t* cbc = (chatbot_config_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(chatbot_config_t));
	cbc->project = mesibo_util_getconfig(mod, "project");
	cbc->endpoint = mesibo_util_getconfig(mod, "endpoint");
	cbc->access_token = mesibo_util_getconfig(mod, "access_token");
	cbc->address = mesibo_util_getconfig(mod, "address");
	cbc->language = mesibo_util_getconfig(mod, "language");
	cbc->log = atoi(mesibo_util_getconfig(mod, "log"));

	return cbc;

Initialize REST API parameters

Once we obtain the configuration, we can construct REST API parameters (URL and header) so that we can use it when required, rather than constructing them at runtime.

static int chatbot_init_dialogflow(mesibo_module_t* mod){
	chatbot_config_t* cbc = (chatbot_config_t*)mod->ctx;

			cbc->endpoint, cbc->project);
	mesibo_log(mod, cbc->log, "Configured post URL for HTTP requests: %s \n", cbc->post_url);

	asprintf(&cbc->auth_bearer,"Authorization: Bearer %s", cbc->access_token);
	mesibo_log(mod, cbc->log, "Configured auth bearer for HTTP requests with token: %s \n", cbc->auth_bearer );

	cbc->chatbot_http_opt = mesibo_chatbot_get_http_opt(cbc);



We only need to process messages addressed to the configured address of the chatbot. For all other messages, we PASS the message as it is.

static mesibo_int_t chatbot_on_message(mesibo_module_t *mod, mesibo_message_params_t *p,
		char *message, mesibo_uint_t len) {

	chatbot_config_t* cbc = (chatbot_config_t*)mod->ctx;

	if(0 == strcmp(p->to, cbc->address)){
		// Don't modify original as other module will use it
		mesibo_message_params_t* np = (mesibo_message_params_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(mesibo_message_params_t));
		memcpy(np, p, sizeof(mesibo_message_params_t));
		chatbot_process_message(mod, np, message, len);

		return MESIBO_RESULT_CONSUMED;  // Process the message and CONSUME original


4. Processing the incoming message using DialogFlow

To process the incoming messages, we need to send them to DialogFlow and send the response back to the user.

To invoke Dialogflow API, we will be using the helper function mesibo_http. DialogFlow expects the request data in JSON format. Ideally, we could have used a JSON library to encode the request. However, JSON libraries are typically slow and are an overkill for this simple project. Hence, we directly construct the raw post data string.

Once the response is received from DialogFlow, we need to send it to to the user who made the request. Hence, we store the context of the received message ie; message parameters, the sender of the message, the receiver of the message in the following structure and pass it as callback data in the http request.

typedef struct http_context_s {
        mesibo_module_t *mod;
	mesibo_message_params_t* params;
        char *from;
        char *to;
	char* post_data; //Cleanup after HTTP request is complete
        mesibo_int_t status;
        char response_type[HTTP_RESPONSE_TYPE_LEN];
        // To copy data in response
        char buffer[HTTP_BUFFER_LEN];
        int datalen;
} http_context_t;

The function to process the message and send an HTTP request to Dialogflow is as follows:

static mesibo_int_t chatbot_process_message(mesibo_module_t *mod, mesibo_message_params_t *p,
		const char *message, mesibo_uint_t len) {

	chatbot_config_t* cbc = (chatbot_config_t*)mod->ctx;

	char post_url[HTTP_POST_URL_LEN_MAX];
	sprintf(post_url, "%s/%lu:detectIntent", cbc->post_url, p->id); //Pass Message ID as Session ID
	char* raw_post_data; 
	asprintf(&raw_post_data, "{\"queryInput\":{\"text\":{\"text\":\"%.*s\", \"languageCode\":\"%s\"}}}",
			(int)len, message, cbc->language);

	http_context_t *http_context =
		(http_context_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(http_context_t));
	http_context->mod = mod;
	http_context->params = p;
	http_context->from = strdup(p->from);
	http_context->to = strdup(p->to);
	http_context->post_data = raw_post_data;

	mesibo_log(mod, cbc->log , "%s %s %s %s \n", post_url, raw_post_data, cbc->chatbot_http_req->extra_header,

	cbc->chatbot_http_req->url = post_url;
	cbc->chatbot_http_req->post = raw_post_data;
	cbc->chatbot_http_req->on_data = chatbot_http_on_data_callback;
	cbc->chatbot_http_req->on_status = chatbot_http_on_status_callback;
	cbc->chatbot_http_req->on_close = chatbot_http_on_close_callback;

	mesibo_util_http(cbc->chatbot_http_req, (void *)http_context);


5. Define the Callback function to receive the response from your bot

We will get the response for the POST request in the HTTP callback function passed to mesibo_http. You may get the response in multiple chunks. Hence you need to store the response data into a buffer untill the complete response is received.

Dialogflow sends the response as a JSON string with the response text encoded in the field fulfillmentText. Hence, we first extract the response from the JSON string before we can send it back to the user. We will use a helper functon mesibo_util_json_extract to extract textual response from the JSON response.

You can pass the message-id of the query message as reference-id for the response message. This way the client who sent the message will be able to match the response received with the query sent.

static mesibo_int_t chatbot_http_on_data_callback(void *cbdata, mesibo_int_t state,
		mesibo_int_t progress, const char *buffer,
		mesibo_int_t size) {
	http_context_t *b = (http_context_t *)cbdata;
	mesibo_module_t *mod = b->mod;

	if (progress < 0) {
		mesibo_log(mod, MODULE_LOG_LEVEL_0VERRIDE, "Error in http callback \n");


	if ((MODULE_HTTP_STATE_RESPBODY == state) && buffer!=NULL && size!=0 ) {
		if(HTTP_BUFFER_LEN < (b->datalen + size )){
			mesibo_log(mod, MODULE_LOG_LEVEL_0VERRIDE,
					"Error in http callback : Buffer overflow detected \n", mod->name);
		memcpy(b->buffer + b->datalen, buffer, size);
		b->datalen += size;

	if (100 == progress) {
		//Response complete


mesibo_int_t chatbot_http_on_status_callback(void *cbdata, mesibo_int_t status, const char *response_type){

	http_context_t *b = (http_context_t *)cbdata;
	if(!b) return MESIBO_RESULT_FAIL;
	mesibo_module_t* mod = b->mod;
	if(!mod) return MESIBO_RESULT_FAIL;
	chatbot_config_t* cbc = (chatbot_config_t*)mod->ctx;

	b->status = status;
	if(NULL != response_type){
		memcpy(b->response_type, response_type, strlen(response_type));
		mesibo_log(mod, cbc->log, "status: %d, response_type: %s \n", (int)status, response_type);

void chatbot_http_on_close_callback(void *cbdata,  mesibo_int_t result){
	http_context_t *b = (http_context_t *)cbdata;
	mesibo_module_t *mod = b->mod;
	if(MESIBO_RESULT_FAIL == result){
		mesibo_log(mod, MODULE_LOG_LEVEL_0VERRIDE, "Invalid HTTP response \n");
	//Send response and cleanup
	mesibo_message_params_t p;
	memset(&p, 0, sizeof(mesibo_message_params_t));
	p.id = rand();
	p.refid = b->params->id;
	p.aid = b->params->aid;
	p.from = b->to;
	p.to = b->from; // User adress who sent the query is the recipient
	p.expiry = 3600;

	char* extracted_response = mesibo_util_json_extract(b->buffer , "fulfillmentText", NULL);

	mesibo_message(mod, &p, extracted_response , strlen(extracted_response));

6. Compile the chatbot module

To compile your module, open the sample MakeFile provided. Change the MODULE to chatbot.

For example.

MODULE = chatbot

Run make from your source directory.

sudo make

On successful build of your module, verify that the target path should contain your shared library /usr/lib64/mesibo/mesibo_mod_chatbot.so

7. Load the chatbot module

To load your chatbot module provide the configuration in /etc/mesibo/mesibo.conf. You can copy the configuration from sample.conf into /etc/mesibo/mesibo.confand modify values accordingly. Change the value of project to match the Google Project you are using. Change the value of access_token to your SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY.

Mount the directory containing your library which in this case is /usr/lib64/mesibo/, while running the mesibo container as follows. You also need to mount the directory containing the mesibo configuration file which in this case is /etc/mesibo

sudo docker run  -v /certs:/certs -v  /usr/lib64/mesibo/:/usr/lib64/mesibo/ \
	     -v /etc/mesibo:/etc/mesibo -net host -d mesibo/mesibo <app token> 