Mesibo Chatbot and Scripting - Mesibo Object

The core class Mesibo defines a set of event handlers and utilities that you can use to send messages, get message flags, receive messages, etc.


The class Mesibo is not instantiable. A single instance of the class Mesibo, named mesibo exists in global context whose properties can be initialized. Refer Usage Notes for more details.


Mesibo.onmessage mandatory

An event listener to be called when message is receieved. It is mandatory to initialize this event handler. MUST return Message.PASS, Message.FAIL, Message.CONSUMED, Message.READ, Message.DELIVERED etc, or the message string.


mesibo.onmessage = message_handler;


  • message_handler is the function to be executed when a message is received. The parameter to this handler is an object of type Message


mesibo.onmessage = function(m){
	print("Got a message from"  + message.from + " msg: " + m.message);
	return Message.CONSUMED;


An event listener to be called when status of the message is recieved. Note that the status for a message will be received only when you set the corresponding flag in the message parameters while sending the message. Initialization of this handler is optional.


mesibo.onmessagestatus = message_status_handler;


  • message_status_handler is the function to be executed when status of a sent message is received. The parameter to this handler is an object of type Message


mesibo.onmessagestatus = function(m){
	print("Message Status : from "  + m.from+ " status: " 
			+ m.status + " id: " +;


An event listener to be called when a user logs in or out of your application. Initialization of this handler is optional.


mesibo.onlogin = login_handler;


  • login_handler is the function to be executed when a user logs in or logs out.


mesibo.onlogin = function(u){
	print("User: "  + u.address + " online status: " +;


An event listener to be called when an exception occurs


mesibo.onexception = exception_handler;


  • exception_handler is the function to be executed to report an exception


mesibo.onexception = function(e){

Mesibo.session_id read-only

Session value generted by mesibo. This number describes a session and stays constant throughout the lifetime of the script. If this value is null, it is a bad session.


Session Object. Properties of this object can be modified to reflect at global level. Anything you store in the session object will be stored in the database and will be available on everytime a new message is received.


Global Object. Properties of this object can be modified to reflect at global level. However unlike session object, it is not stored in the database.

Usage notes

Instantiation restriction

The class Mesibo is not instantiable.

ie; The following operation is invalid

var m = new Mesibo()

Only a single global instance of Mesibo class , defined as mesibo exists throughout the lifetime of your script.

Global Initialization

It is necessary to initialize the event handlers for the global mesibo object before you use any other class or function in your script. The handler mesibo.onmessage needs to be initialized compulsorily in your script. mesibo.onlogin and mesibo.onmessagestatus are optional handlers that can be defined if required.