Mesibo Javascript Class Reference

Here you will find the reference documentation for all various mesibo javascript classes and utilities which you can use in mesibo scripting.

Core Functionality

Functionality ClassDescription
MesiboDefines the core mesibo functionality class and various event handler like onmessage, onmessagestatus, onlogin, etc
MessageThe Message class that can be used to send messages


Functionality ClassDescription
HttpA networking utility class for sending REST API requests
SocketConnect to sockets(regular and websockets) to read and write data asynchronously

Third Party APIs and Services

DialogflowConnect to chatbots built on Dialogflow, send queries and receive responses(async) from your chatbots
GoogleCloudServiceA generic utility class that can be used for various Google Cloud APIs like Dialogflow, Google Translate, Maps,etc requiring OAuth2 .

Miscellaneous Utilities

random32Returns a 32-bit unsigned integer
random64Returns a 64-bit unsigned integer
hash64Returns a hash value
startTimerStart a timer for specified number of seconds and execute the event handler defined in mesibo.ontimeout.
timeInMicrosReturns the time elapsed in microseconds since the Unix epoch
timeInMillisReturns the time elapsed in milliseconds since the Unix epoch
timeInSecondsReturns the time elapsed in seconds since the Unix epoch