Migrating from Mesibo v1 to Mesibo v2 APIs

In this document, we will describe how to migrate your apps from mesibo v1 to v2 APIs. The new APIs are not only more powerful but also simpler, lighter, battery efficient. The v2 APIs make it even more enjoyable to add real-time communication to your app.

Here are some of the v2 changes at a glance

  • Unified messaging APIs for text, media, location, binary data, and more.
  • Database Encryption
  • Multiple Login Support (releasing soon)
  • Battery Efficient
  • Image Processing
  • URL preview and other UI enhancements
  • Mature Content APIs

As we announced in October 22, that v1 APIs would sunset on May 1st, 2023. Although existing users will have more than 6 months, we recommend migrating to v2 APIs immediately.

Migrate your Applications

Migrating from v1 to v2 is very straightforward as explained below. It only involves a few steps. We have already updated GitHub with the new messenger and first app source code which will further help you in visualizing changes.

Update Message Listeners

In v1, you were required to implement four message listeners for text, file, location, and status messages. In addition, you were required to implement listeners for file transfer.

boolean Mesibo_onMessage(MessageParams params, byte[] data);
void Mesibo_onMessageStatus(MessageParams params);
void Mesibo_onLocation(MessageParams params, Location location);
void Mesibo_onFile(MessageParams params, FileInfo file);

boolean Mesibo_onFileTransferProgress(FileInfo file);

In v2, you only need to implement two listeners, one for message and one for status, making your code simpler.

void Mesibo_onMessage(MesiboMessage message);
void Mesibo_onMessageStatus(MesiboMessage message);

In addition, you will need to implement one more listener for message updates which is a new feature. Message updates can happen when file transfer is in progress or the message is remotely modified (a new feature to live update messages).

void Mesibo_onMessageUpdate(MesiboMessage message);

Although minor, it is worth noting for Javascript users that all the listener names in v1 were starting with Mesibo_On, are now changed to Mesibo_on.

That's it

Use new Unified messaging API

Unlike v1, you no longer need to use different APIs for different types of messages. Instead, you only need to use a unified MesiboMessage API for all types of messages.

Creating a Message Object

You can create a MesiboMessage object from the profile of destination user or the group.

// profile can be the user or a group profile
MesiboMessage msg = profile.newMessage();

Sending a text message

msg.title = "Title";
msg.message = "Hello, this is the message body";

Sending a rich message with a file or media from the local disk, URL, or even an Image object.


Geotag your messages

You can geotag your messages by adding location infomration along with other content.

msg.latitude = 1.3521;
msg.longitude = 103.8198;

Sending binary messages

msg.data = data;

Custom Fields in Messages

Not only the predefined fields, you can also add custom fields to the message:

msg.setString("Custom1", "some string value");
msg.setInt("Custom2", 123);

Message Update / Edit Feature

v2 also have a feature to update sent messages. This feature will allow you to edit messages or even create a dynamic presentation on the fly.

msg.message = "Updated Content";

Presence - Typing, Online, etc

Just like messaging, v2 also makes sending presence information simpler.

MesiboPresence p = mProfile.newPresence();

or, even simple,


Renaming of Read Session (Mesibo.ReadDBSession)

Mesibo.ReadDBSession in v1 APIs is now renamed to MesiboReadSession.

v2 APIs also allows you to quickly create a read session from the profile.

MesiboReadSession session = profile.createReadSession();

Renaming of HTTP Helper class (Mesibo.http)

The Mesibo.Http class has been renamed to MesiboHttp

Source Code

We have uploaded First App and Messenger source code using the v2 APIs on respective GitHub repos.

Timeline to move from v1 to v2

We suggest you start implementing v2 APIs. Please note the timeline to move from 1.x to 2.x:

  • All the new apps created after Dec 1, 2022 will not be able to use v1 APIs. However, all existing apps can continue using v1 APIs till May 1st, 2023
  • There will not be any v1 API updates and only limited support for critical issue. We will completely stop supporting v1 APIs from Feb 1st, 2023
  • v1 APIs will stop working from May 1st, 2023.