Mesibo Video & Voice Conferencing

MesiboParticipant Class Reference

The following is a list of methods available in the MesiboParticipant class.

You MUST not directly create an instance of MesiboParticipant. You will get a new MesiboParticipant object:

  1. When you create a publisher using GroupCall.createPublisher()

  2. Or through listeners, MesiboGroupcall_OnPublisher and MesiboGroupcall_OnSubscriber

Refer to Conferencing API Documentation to learn more.

Call Functions

The following methods handle the call to a participant


The call() method takes the following parameters:

  • audio, true if you would like to receive the audio stream, false otherwise
  • video, true if you would like to receive the video stream, false otherwise
  • groupCallInProgressListener, An instance of GroupCallInProgressListener

For example, in Android, if you would like to have both audio and video while viewing a publisher, make a call as follows

public void MesiboGroupcall_OnPublisher(MesiboCall.MesiboParticipant participant, boolean joined) {

    if (joined) {, true , this);
	// If you have implemented GroupCallInProgressListener in "this" context

In iOS,

-(void) MesiboGroupcall_OnPublisher:(MesiboParticipant *)participant joined:(BOOL)joined{
  if (joined) {
    // call the publisher to subscribe to their stream
    [participant call:YES  video:YES inProgressListener:self];

In Javascript,

GroupCallListener.prototype.MesiboGroupcall_OnPublisher = function(participant, joined) {  
  if (joined) {
    // call the publisher to subscribe to their stream, true , this);

To make an audio-only call,

In Android,, false, this);

In iOS,

[participant call:YES  video:NO listener:self];

In Javascript,, false, this);

Publishing a Stream

While publishing your stream, create a Participant by calling createPublisher() and then use call().

For example, in Android, to publish a video stream from the front camera along with your audio

//Publish self stream
mLocalPublisher = mGroupcall.createPublisher(0);
mLocalPublisher.setVideoSource(MesiboCall.MESIBOCALL_VIDEOSOURCE_CAMERAFRONT, 0);, true, this);

In iOS,

//Create a participant object
MesiboParticipant *mParticipant = [GroupCallInstance createPublisher:0];

//Set the source. For example, camera
[mParticipant setVideoSource:MESIBOCALL_VIDEOSOURCE_CAMERAFRONT index:0];

//Make a call. "this" is an instance of GroupCallInProgressListener 
[mParticipant call:YES video:YES listener:self];

In Javascript,

//Create a participant object
let mParticipant = mGroupcall.createPublisher(0);
//Set the source. For example, camera
mParticipant.setVideoSource(MESIBOCALL_VIDEOSOURCE_CAMERAFRONT, 0);, true, this);


Stop publishing or viewing the stream.

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android and Javascript,


In iOS,

[participant hangup]


Set the listener instance which will be invoked for participant events

Takes the following parameter.

  • listener, An instance of GroupCallInProgressListener

For example, in Android and Javascript,

// If you have implemented GroupCallInProgressListener in "this" context

Stream Handling Functions


Mute or unmute voice and/or video of a participant

It takes the following parameters:

  • audio, audio mute/unmute operation
  • video, video mute/unmute operation
  • enable, Pass true to mute, false to unmute.

For example, in Android and Javascript, to mute audio

participant.mute(true, false, true)

Video Handling Functions


Set the video view for displaying video from a participant

In Android and iOS, setVideoView takes the following parameter:

In Android, you can have a MesiboVideoView in your XML Layout file like below,


You can display the stream in this view, as follows:

    MesiboVideoView videoView = findViewById(;

In Javascript, setVideoView() takes the following parameters:

  • videoView, the ID of the HTML element where you want to display the stream
  • on_setvideo, function that will be called when setVideoView() is completed
  • retryTimeout - Time in milliseconds, after which attach will be called again if the previous attach failed
  • maxRetries - Maximum number of retries to attach

If you have an HTML element where you would like to display the stream, like below:

<video class="centered" id="video-publisher" autoplay playsinline width="100%" height="100%" />

You need to call setVideoView() as follows

function on_setvideo(set){
  else {
    // setVideoView failed

participant.setVideoView('video-publisher', on_setvideo, 100, 50);


Returns a MesiboVideoView object, if set using setVideoView()

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android,

MesiboVideoView mv = particpant.getVideoView()

In iOS,

MesiboVideoView *mv = [particpant getVideoView]

In Javascript,

let mv = particpant.getVideoView()


Set the video source while publishing a video.

It takes the following parameters:

  • videoSource , Video source type specified by a VideoSource constant. Can be one of
    • MESIBOCALL_VIDEOSOURCE_CAMERADEFAULT Default camera to publish from
    • MESIBOCALL_VIDEOSOURCE_CAMERAFRONT to publish stream from the device's front camera (on Mobile)
    • MESIBOCALL_VIDEOSOURCE_CAMERAREAR to publish stream from the device's rear camera (on Mobile)
    • MESIBOCALL_VIDEOSOURCE_SCREEN to share live screen
  • Index, Camera index. If there are multiple(in addition to the front and rear) cameras on mobile, set the camera index.

For example, in Android & Javascript,


In iOS,

[mParticipant setVideoSource:MESIBOCALL_VIDEOSOURCE_CAMERAFRONT index:0];


Switch between the back-facing camera and front-facing camera.

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android and Javascript,


In iOS,

[participant switchCamera];


Switch between camera and screen.

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android and Javascript,


In iOS,

[participant switchSource];


Returns the active video source. Can be one of

  • MESIBOCALL_VIDEOSOURCE_CAMERADEFAULT Default camera to publish from
  • MESIBOCALL_VIDEOSOURCE_CAMERAFRONT to publish stream from the device's front camera (on Mobile)
  • MESIBOCALL_VIDEOSOURCE_CAMERAREAR to publish stream from the device's rear camera (on Mobile)
  • MESIBOCALL_VIDEOSOURCE_SCREEN to publish live screen

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android and Javascript,


In iOS,

[participant getVideoSource];


Toggle mute the video. That is, unmute the video if it is muted and mute it otherwise. While publishing, it stops video capture through the camera or screen, if the video is muted.

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android and Javascript,


In iOS,

[participant toggleVideoMute];


Returns the width to height ratio of the video as a float value.

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android and Javascript,


In iOS,

[participant getAspectRatio];


Returns true, if the video is landscape(ie; width of the video is greater than height, the aspect ratio is > 1) false otherwise.

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android and Javascript,


In iOS,

[participant isVideoLandscape];


Returns true, if the stream has a video, false otherwise

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android and Javascript,


In iOS,

[participant hasVideo];

Voice Handling Functions


Toggle mute the audio. That is, unmute the audio if it is muted and mute it otherwise.

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android and Javascript,


In iOS,

[participant toggleAudioMute];


Returns true, if the stream has audio, false otherwise

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android and Javascript,


In iOS,

[participant hasAudio];

Stream Status/Information Functions

The following methods return information about the stream such as mute status, aspect ratio, talking status, name and address of the publisher, etc.


getMuteStatus Returns the current mute status of the stream. Whenever a participant mutes the audio/video the mute status will be updated.

It takes the following parameters:

  • video, Pass true to check video mute status, false for voice mute status.

Returns: true if muted, false otherwise

For example, in Android and Javascript, to check if a participant has muted their audio


In iOS,

[participant getMuteStatus:YES]; // Get Audio Mute Status
[participant getMuteStatus:NO]; // Get Video Mute Status

Note, that When a participant mutes MesiboGroupcall_OnMute will be called.


Returns the last timestamp at which the user talked.

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android,

long lastTalked = participant.getTalkTimstamp();

In Javascript,

let lastTalked = participant.getTalkTimstamp();

In iOS,

long lastTalked = [participant getTalkTimstamp];


Returns the unique ID of the participant

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android and Javascript,


In iOS,

[participant getId]; 


Returns the name of the participant

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android and Javascript,


In iOS,

[participant getName];


Returns the address of the participant

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android and Javascript,


In iOS,

[participant getAddress];


Set the name of the participant. For example, while publishing a stream you can set your name, as the name of the publisher.

It takes the following parameter.

  • name, Name of the participant

For example, in Android and Javascript,

participant.setName("John Doe");

In iOS,

[participant setName:@"John Doe"];


Returns true if the participant is connected on the call, false otherwise.

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android and Javascript,


In iOS,

[participant isCallConnected];


Returns true if the call to the participant is in progress, false otherwise.

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android and Javascript,


In iOS,

[participant isCallInProgress];


Returns true, if video call false otherwise

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android and Javascript,


In iOS,

[participant isVideoCall];


Returns true, if the participant is self, false otherwise

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android and Javascript,


In iOS,

[participant isMe];


Returns true, if the participant is publishing from their front camera(on mobile), false otherwise

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android and Javascript,


In iOS,

[participant isFrontCamera];


Returns true, if the participant is talking, false otherwise

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android and Javascript,


In iOS,

[participant isTalking];

Utility Functions

The following are utility functions in MesiboParticipant


Store any object - can be an object of a user-defined class, etc. Once set, you can access this object using getUserData

Takes the following parameter.

  • object, Any Object

For example, in Android and Javascript,


In iOS,

[participant setUserData:myData];


Access the data, set using setUserData

It does not take any parameters.

For example, in Android,

MyData mData = (MyData)participant.getUserData();

In Javascript,

let mData = participant.getUserData();

In iOS,

MyData mData  = [participant getUserData];