Mesibo Video & Voice Conferencing

Quick Start with Mesibo Video Conferencing API for iOS

{% include_relative nav.html selected="ios" %}

{% capture dev_setup %}

  1. Start Xcode.
  2. Create a new project.
  3. Add mesibo frameworks to your Xcode project. Refer Install Instructions for more details.
  4. Import mesibo Call API in your project
#import <MesiboCall/MesiboCall.h>

{% endcapture %}

{% capture create_groupcall %} {% endcapture %}

{% capture on_publisher %}

-(void) MesiboGroupcall_OnPublisher:(MesiboParticipant *)participant joined:(BOOL)joined {
  if (joined) {
    // call the publisher to view their stream
    // Add participant to list of publishers
  } else {
    // Remove participant from list of publishers

{% endcapture %}

{% capture on_subscriber %}

-(void) MesiboGroupcall_OnSubscriber:(MesiboParticipant *)participant joined:(BOOL)joined{
  // This participant has subscribed to your stream

{% endcapture %}

{% capture join_room %} {% endcapture %}

{% capture video_audio_call %}

[participant call:YES  video:NO listener:self];

{% endcapture %}

{% capture audio_only_call %}

[mParticipant call:YES  video:YES listener:self];

{% endcapture %}

{% capture on_publisher_call%} {% endcapture %}

{% capture on_connected%} {% endcapture %}

{% capture on_video %} {% endcapture %}

{% capture on_audio %} {% endcapture %}

{% capture on_mute %} {% endcapture %}

{% capture get_mute_status %} {% endcapture %}

{% capture toggle_mute %} {% endcapture %}

{% capture on_talking %} {% endcapture %}

{% capture is_talking %} {% endcapture %}

{% capture hangup%} {% endcapture %}

{% capture on_hangup %} {% endcapture %}

{% capture publish_streams %} {% endcapture %}

{% capture publish_multiple_streams %} {% endcapture %}

{% capture set_video_source %} {% endcapture %}

{% capture publish_audio_only %}

[mParticipant call:NO video:YES listener:self];

{% endcapture %}

{% capture publish_audio_video %}

[mParticipant call:YES video:YES listener:self];

{% endcapture %}

{% capture display_streams%} {% endcapture %}

{% capture leave_room %} {% endcapture %}

{% include_relative %}

Also see: